Category: devops2021Monitoring Apache Airflow Using PrometheusJan 292020Apache Airflow Architecture on OpenshiftSep 13CI/CD Pipeline Spanning Multiple Openshift ClustersJun 30Openshift UPI using Static IPsApr 212019Configuring Envoy to Auto-Discover Pods on KubernetesAug 19Installing Openshift 4.1 using Libvirt and KVMJul 82018Tips for Passing the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Gluster Storage Administration ExamDec 28Four Ansible Practices I Would RecommendJun 1718 Months with Openstack, Our Experience, Part IIMar 818 Months with Openstack, Our Experience, Part IFeb 19Edge Security for Your Cloud Application, Part IIJan 12Edge Security for Your Cloud Application, Part IJan 102017Evaluating Application Metrics Solutions PrometheusSep 10Ansible Certification EX407Sep 3Passed Red Hat Container Certifications EX270 and EX276Jul 29Check-and-Set Operation and Transactions in ConsulJul 25First Look at the Key-Value Store in ConsulJul 15An Introduction to Building on OpenshiftMar 19Accessing Kubernetes Pods From Outside of the ClusterFeb 14Tripleo Installer, Production Ready?Jan 152016Controlling a Multi-Service Application with SystemdDec 4RHCSA/RHCE Exam ExperienceNov 75 Linux Commands You Didn't Know You NeededNov 1First Impressions About Ansible ContainerSep 12Deploying Kubernetes on Openstack using HeatJun 26Bootstrapping a Galera Cluster on RHEL7Jan 312015Monitoring Openstack Cluster with IcingaNov 30Assigning Roles to Nodes Directly in RDONov 9Installing Openstack Liberty on RHEL7Oct 19Network Configuration with os-net-configSep 28Bridging VLAN Trunk to the GuestSep 7Multiple RHEL Mirrors on a Single MachineAug 16Improving Ansible's ini_file ModuleAug 3Running Wine with DockerJul 4Openstack Dynamic DNS UpdatesMay 31Openstack Nova Notifications SubscriberMay 25Dynamic DNS with BIND and dhclientMay 2Using Cloud-Init Outside of CloudApr 26